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CEER Training Academy Programme 2025

Course specific FAQ

When are the classes? What are the different time formats for the trainings?

To facilitate the easy participation of NRA staff in CEER’s training courses, different formats are proposed: fully onsite (2 days), fully online (3 half days), hybrid (2 days participation either onsite or online), and mini trainings (1 half day, fully online, low cost).
The variety of formats ensures the interactivity of our trainings and the achievement of the learning objectives set. This also gives the opportunity to participants with limited travel options and/or budget to attend some of the planned events. The mini training format covers transversal topics and facilitates the participation by being less time-consuming and costly.
If necessary, formats can be adapted to specific needs based on the feedback we get.

What do you mean by Level A and Level B?

Level A trainings, such as the Introduction of Electricity and Gas Market Regulation or the Mini training on EU Institutions and Legislative Procedures provide a more fundamental overview of energy regulation;

while Level B trainings are more specialised and cover specific technical areas, such as on REMIT or on energy training.

Who is responsible for developing the content of the courses?

The course programme is advised by members of the CEER Training Academy Advisory Board, comprising senior representatives from the European institutions, academia, the energy industry as well as former regulators.
Each CEER training course has a Course Director who is in general responsible for the design and content of the course. The Course Director works closely with the CEER Secretariat to develop the draft programme, to seek input from relevant experts from NRAs working on the topic, primarily at the CEER Work Stream and Working Group level.
Besides the Course Director, each CEER training course has a Course Advisor, usually a member of the Training Academy Advisory Board who provides their expert comments on the programme and suggests possible and relevant trainers. When the draft programme is developed, the input of the Course Advisor ensures a comprehensive approach to the issues while taking into account both academic and practical perspectives.
The Course Director is responsible for the overall course programme. This approach helps ensure the three key features of CEER Training Academy: practitioner method, regulator-centric and collaborative arrangements.
Our trainers are primarily experts from energy regulatory authorities but also from international institutions, academia and the energy industry.

What if I can’t attend one of the online events?

  • No course fee: for cancellation requests received up to 3 weeks before the course.
  • A 50% participation fees: for cancellation requests received between 2 to 3 weeks before the course.
  • Full amount of the course fees: for cancellation requests received less than a week before the course.

What are the participation fees?

The training fee can be paid by CEER members and observers either by an invoice or by pre-purchased training credits.

Fees for CEER members and observers
  • Online: €600 or 1.25 training credits
  • Hybrid online: €600 or 1.25 training credits
  • Onsite: €960 or 2 training credits
  • Hybrid onsite: €840 or 1.75 training credits
  • Mini training: €240 or 0.50 training credits
  • Executive training: €1,200 or 2.50 training credits

Fees for non-CEER members and observers
  • Online: €960
  • Onsite: €1,150
  • Mini training: €410
  • Executive seminar: €1,500

What you mean by buying training credits? How much do they cost?

CEER members and observers can order pre-purchased training credits any time of the year.

1 training credit = 480 EUR. If members and observers order 20 training credits, they receive 1 free training credit as discount.
Credits are usually valid 18 months from the date of purchase.
Member and observer NRAs can check the status of their training credits by contacting the CEER Training Academy at 

I heard I can pay also by tutor credits. What does that mean?

For trainers from CEER members or observers, 1 tutor credit is earned for their NRA for each contribution per course if they do not claim any expenses.
1 tutor credit = 0.5 training credit
When enough tutor credits are accumulated, the NRA can use them to register a participant.
NRAs can check the number of Tutor credits earned and used by contacting the CEER Training Academy at

Can I use a reduction fee? Am I eligible for a scholarship? May I combine it with training credits or tutor credits?

Countries with a GDP per capita below the 90% threshold of the EU-27's GDP per capita (as per the Eurostat official data) can benefit from a 50% fee reduction.
If eligible, each NRA has the right to two scholarships per year. The use of training credits – or in certain cases tutor credits – doesn’t prevent the NRA from benefitting from their scholarship rights. The discounted price will be applied accordingly and only the relevant number of credits will be debited. The trainee indicates in the Training Academy registration form that they wish to pay by training credits and use a scholarship in parallel.
If you are NRA staff and have questions about your right to use your scholarship for the training, please contact

Our lecturers come from the Energy Regulators Authorities, International and European institutions, academia,
and energy industry. 

The course programme is advised by distinguished members of our Training Academy Advisory Board, comprising senior representatives from the European institutions, academia, energy industry, and former regulators.

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