Network Tariffs for Transmission and Distribution

To fulfil their role in supporting the energy transition, regulators must deal with new challenges that require them to re-think tariff-setting methodologies. This requires striking the right balance between efficient, secure and high-quality energy networks and the new innovation objectives that policymakers want for the sector. This tailor-made two-day programme will deliver energy regulators with the competence needed to navigate this new regulatory context.

12-13 November 2024, Brussels 
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Benefits of the Course

Learn more about the fundamentals of the tariff setting and regulation

Who should

This course is designed for experts from National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) who want to improve their expertise and exchange experiences. Other experts from European Institutions (ACER, European Commission) are also invited to attend.

Valuable insights

In-depth discussions during the course will cover: 

  • practical approaches and examples for setting allowed revenue;
  • case studies on different tariff-setting methodologies; possible ways to address specific new challenges.

Key take-aways

Participants will gain a better understanding of:     
  • key principles of network tariff regulation;
  • relationship between revenues, tariffs, building blocks of regulation;
  • differences between network tariffs for electricity and gas;
  • different approaches applied in various European countries;
  • EU harmonised tariff structures for electricity and gas;
  • new tariff designs to address new challenges.

Practical Infos

What's included?

  • CEER Academy Certificate 
  • Real life case studies
  • Hands-on assignments
  • Access to rich materials
  • Group work activities

Fees & Details

  • Format: Onsite
  • Preparation hours: 6
  • Days of training: 2
  • Training hours: 15
  • LEVEL: A
  • Course fees:
    €960 or 2 training credits for members;
    €1200 for non-members
  • Language: English


ONSITE - CEER Secretariat
Cours Saint-Michel 30a (5th floor)
B-1040 Brussels, Belgium

Registration Deadline

30th of October 2024

Course Context

Course Context

Course Context

Course Context

Course Context

Course Context

Course Context

Energy networks play a key role in delivering energy to consumers, and their status of monopolistic activities make it necessary for European energy regulators to set appropriate revenues and tariffs to ensure efficient network development, security of supply, and an adequate level of service quality.

With the aim of supporting the energy transition, regulators also have to deal with new challenges under their tariff setting competences, such as facilitating the integration of renewable and low-carbon gases into the gas grid, making choices on how to treat gas assets under prospects of declining gas demand and increasing share of low carbon gases, and managing the impact on DSOs of increased distributed generation, demand-side flexibility and electrification in end uses.

These developments impacting network businesses require a re-thinking of tariff-setting methodologies by regulators, who have to strike a balance between the traditional regulatory aims of efficient, secure and high-quality energy networks and the new objectives and innovation that policymakers seek for the sector. Energy regulators need expertise in setting allowed network revenues and the associated tariffs to meet these (sometimes competing) objectives.

This tailor-made CEER training programme will help deliver energy regulators this expertise. The programme will cover the fundamental principles and future direction of tariff setting for transmission and distribution, in both electricity and gas. This will include specific relevant examples from countries across Europe. The programme will also focus on the impact of new developments and innovation on the tariff setting process for European energy regulators and how to design the new tariff structures to address these new challenges.

Course Outline

Week 1  4-8 November 2024

Online Live Session with Participants and Course Director: 6 November at 11h30

Week 2

Class 1: 9:30-17:30 (CET)  12 November 2024
Building blocks of regulation: fundamental principles of network tariff regulation in electricity and gas; practical approaches in setting allowed network revenue.  

Class 2: 9:30-16:45 (CET) 13 November 2024 
Different models and methodologies for electricity and gas network charging in European countries and case studies. Tariff structures in the European perspective.


Caterina Miriello, National Infrastructure Officer at the Italian Energy Regulator (ARERA). Expert in tariff- setting for electricity transmission and gas infrastructure operators, and in service quality regulation. Member of several task forces within ACER and CEER gas working group, and of the MEDREG gas working group. Previously a Researcher in energy economics at Bocconi University and lecturer at SDA Bocconi and Politecnico di Milano. PhD in Economics in 2011 at IMT (Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca).

Patrick Jones - Course author


Tomás Gómez is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at Comillas University. He has been the Director of Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica and Vice-Rector of Research, Development, and Innovation at Comillas. His areas of interest are economics and regulation of the energy sector, operation and planning of transmission and distribution systems, and integration of renewable and distributed energy resources in power systems. He served as Commissioner at the Spanish Energy Regulatory Commission (CNE).
Patrick Jones - Course author

Your contact

Giulia Carpentieri 

Training and Programme Coordinator
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