European Wholesale Electricity and Gas Market Trading

The CEER-Energy Traders Europe training programme seeks to enhance the understanding of NRA staff and other energy professionals on energy trading and how it is conducted in European electricity and gas markets. This course is presented by practitioners and includes hands-on trading simulations. Interested? Join us and deepen your knowledge of how traders handle their risks and opportunities by means of transactions in relevant markets.

Two-day training open to NRAs and to the public.

3-4 December 2024, Brussels
Write your awesome label here.

Benefits of the Course

Who should

The course is open to staff of the National Regulatory Authorities as well as to representatives of other public/private organizations. Thanks to the breadth of content, and its multi-disciplinary approach, participants with all levels of experience are welcome to attend the course.

Valuable insights

The CEER – Energy Traders Europe course is a great training opportunity to deepen your knowledge in the field of energy regulation and trading in Europe. Through hands-on, real case activities and practical examples participants will explore the key aspects of trading in the wholesale electricity market, from price formation to portfolio management. An overview of trading in the wholesale gas market will also be provided, including short- and longer-term trading, LNG trading and storage.

Key take-aways

Through this course, attendees will be able to:

  • Soundly understand trading strategies, market dynamics, and risk management practices.
  • Better carry out monitoring and surveillance of wholesale energy markets at national, regional, and European level.
  • Deeply analyse common challenges that the electricity and gas sector currently and will face in the protection and completion of the European internal energy market.

Practical Info

What's included?

  • CEER Academy Certificate 
  • Real life case studies
  • Hands-on assignments
  • Access to rich materials
  • Group work activities

Fees & Details

  • Format: Onsite
  • Preparation hours: 6
  • Days of training: 2
  • Training hours: 13.5
  • LEVEL: A
  • Course fees:
    €960 or 2 training credits for members;
    €1,200 for non-members
  • Language: English


CEER Secretariat
Cours Saint-Michel 30a
1040 Brussels

Registration Deadline

22 November 2024

Course Context

Course Context

Course Context

Course Context

Course Context

Course Context

Course Context

The Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER), in collaboration with the Energy Traders Europe (formerly EFET), is organising a unique in-person course on “Energy Trading in Europe” on 3-4 December 2024. This year's edition will cover both electricity and gas trading, REMIT from a market perspective and energy derivatives. Additionally, it will offer a trading floor visit and practical trading simulation sessions.

Attendees will be provided with a clear understanding of trading in electricity market and price formation, including an assessment of the effects of recent regulatory changes. It will be followed by a session discussing trading in the new markets on hydrogen and emissions. Next, the sessions on the wholesale gas market presents the gas trading, including LNG trading and current challenges. Finally, participants will have the opportunity to participate in hands-on trading simulations which provide the ideal learning effect by means of practical application of the theoretical knowledge in energy trading.  

In the second day, the course will focus on this year changes in the legislation for the supervision of the market, REMIT, from trading’s and NRAs' perspective. The session is followed by a discussion over the energy derivatives and the trading compliance requirements. The training ends with a visit to the trading floor of a large energy utility.

Course Outline



Mike is Manager of the Market Supervision Committee at the EuropeanFederation of Energy Traders (EFET). He is also the coordinator of the EFETTraining and Education programmes. Following the Coronavirus pandemic,he was appointed Coordinator of the overall EFET Covid-19 response. Mikepreviously worked for the Ministry of Affairs of Romania, the European UnionDelegation to the United States and in the energy sector since 2014. He is atrained economist and political scientist and with a PhD in European EnergyPolicies at the University of Maastricht. Mike is a native Romanian andspeaks English and French fluently.
Patrick Jones - Course author


Since 2013, Esther is serving as Director for Energy Derivatives Markets at the Spanish Regulatory Authority (CNMC). On 2014, Esther was appointed the Spanish alternate member of the Board of Regulators (ACER Decision AB nº 03/2014). Prior to joining CNMC in 2007, Esther worked as consultant in energy and economic issues in the private sector for 5 years. Her division is responsible for the REMIT implementation in Spain, the supervision of forward markets and the validation of several energy auctions, including the analysis of regulatory proposals for energy market mechanisms. Esther is also member of the Technical Committee of the MIBEL, regularly meeting with the Spanish and Portuguese financial and energy regulators. Esther holds a B.A. in Economics (UCM) and a MSc. in Economics and Finance (CEMFI). She has strong skills in economic analysis, microeconomics and finance, as well as in monitoring of wholesale energy markets.
Patrick Jones - Course author

Your contact

Giulia Carpentieri

Training and Programme Coordinator
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